It's currently 12:11 AM and I'm working from home tomorrow so I don't feel too worried about the repurcussions of staying up late tonight.
So, with that being the case, I'm going to make a quick little (mostly text) post about the Analogue Pocket.

As you can see, I drew it rather than put a picture on here... That would be because I don't know where I put it in my room at the moment. It's so cluttered in here right now. Really gotta push myself to clean it soon... Back on topic-
The Analogue Pocket, in my own perception of the system, is a modern take on the Game Boy. But it can play all of your original GB, GBC and GBA cartridges (and with our apparently $99.99 USD adaptor set, you too can play games from such systems as the Neo Geo Pocket®, Turbografx-16®-
... I'm already over this bit before it even properly starts...
Let's just say the console itself, and the extras you can get from Analogue themselves, get expensive fast.
But did you catch that? The main appeal of it to me was that it can play original cartridges! No emulation needed! So with that in mind, $249.99 dollars promptly flew out of my pocket in a second as I heard they were doing a new limited editon run of GBC inspired colors. Yes, they make BANK off of limited edition runs.
And I'm the sucker that would buy it--
Okay, okay, gonna get off of this negative tone. The truth of the matter is, it's actually a good console in my experience! I've heard some people have had issues with theirs for various reasons, but mine came in just fine. So, as this isn't really a blog made to reccomend stuff to people, and more of a journal type blog, I really don't care!
That inconsiderate remark out of the way, my main issue is that-
"But Niccori!" you say, "why would you buy such an expensive console if-" BECAUSE I WASN'T THINKING AHEAD OKAY?!
Besides, besides! It's fine! I know a good and fairly priced used game store not too far from my home-
GOODNESS, WHY ARE THEY SELLING SUCH A TATTERED COPY OF KID ICARUS UPRISING FOR $99.99?! It doesn't even have the outer paper box?!
...That one case of lunacy aside, and the absurdly priced "grail games" (think Earthbound, for some reason, Pokemon games too...) that I swear every retro game store needs to have to, I don't know, rub their grease in your face with the fact they have it at all... aside...
I got a few well priced games (Tetris, Super Breakout) and a Gameboy Camera to use with my Analogue Pocket!
I'm getting impatient so, let's see those pictures, huh?!
... What do you mean you "only have two"...
....... You "can't be bothered to find the console to grab mo-" UGH WHATEVER, ON WITH IT THEN.

..okay...? and...?
Well, that's a photo of my dog... and that's a photo I took of a very simple house.
With the program Pocket Sync™, I can upload my screenshots (YES, IT TAKES SCREENSHOTS) to my computer with ease!
Pocket Sync is not actually trademarked, nor is it made by Analogue.
As you can see, there's a custom palette applied on these photos! You can actually switch palettes on the fly, and save states are also possible as well! For a device that can read cartridges, I think that's pretty cool!
Speaking of palette swaps, I have one of the house on hand here...

Because of the palette I applied, I think it gives off a rather spooky vibe, actually! (perfect for october)
Speaking of spooky, what the heck was up with the "RUN" option photos? I grew up in more of the DS era so I never really got to experience it firsthand as a child, but I know if I did see it as a kid I wouldn't touch the cartridge with a 30 ft pole. Despite my rather non-existant belief on the matter of ghosts and such, things like that still give me the spooks. Well, looking at it now as an adult I don't care one way or the other...
Hey, who'da thunk I'd start talking about my stance on ghosts on this blog, huh? What's going on here...
Well, even if someone does believe in them, no matter. People are entitled to their own respective beliefs afterall. Not like I can or want to change them!
The used GB camera I got had some old photos on it, none of which were particularly interesting. But still, plenty of memories in there for those people, I presume? Who knows when they were taken, but there were things like car trips with doodles on them, goofy faces, etc. I think I'd rather have a boring cartridge than an "interesting" one so to speak, considering what people do with cameras!?
But man, wow, I got off topic from the Analogue Pocket. Let it be known you don't have to have games to play on it- Hint Hint- but to me that's a big appeal of the system in the first place, to play original games.
Here's a list of games I have for the Gameboy series of consoles, with some commentary along the way, before I head out (it's 2am now?!)
- Sakura Taisen GB:Geki! Hanagumi Nyuutai! (GBC)
I'm a fan of the Sakura Taisen (or Sakura Wars) series! I've never properly played any of thes games (though I plan of playing the fan translation of the Saturn version of the first game), but I do love the characters and have reqad what little is translated of the manga. I actually have the box and all of the inserts inside... and the Pocket Sakura (which I'll have to explore and cover later!), which is a standalone Tamagotchi-esque virtual pet!
- Mother 3 (GBA)
I have both an actual Japanese copy aaand... well, can't mention anything else here I suppose... In any case, this game is near and dear to my heart and I quite staunchly do not look forward to going through that stupid underwater maze ever again! Oh my GOODNESS!
- Mother 1+2 (GBA)
Have you HEARD the covers on these ports? Oh my goodness. The Summers BGM is really something special.
- Tetris (GB)
I do enjoy Tetris quite a lot. Considering this Gameboy version is partly responsible for the popularity of Tetris (maybe the Gameboy itself too? was it symbiotic?) at the time, I felt I had to get a copy. They're also typically quite cheap. No hold function for 11 years from that point on though! Eesh!
- Super Breakout (GB)
I somewhat hate the design on this one's cart... But its breakout! A game anyone can enjoy, in my opinion. Fun and simple, great for a portable system.
- Dogz 2 (GBA)
I think this is the one I've owned for the longest here (...I'm not counting the weird Spyro game my brother let me have... or the Mario Kart one we lost). I remember being around... 10? Or so years old and asking my mom to buy this game off of eBay. I think I was feeling nostalgic for the PC Petz games (...which this is nothing like! it's a translated, unrelated Japanese series game called Wanko to Mahou no Boushi?!) and wanted it... But I do remember completing the game and enjoying it despite that all. There is actually a pretty bad looking "port" of both Catz and Dogz for the GBC which... Funnily enough, I'd be interested in picking up. Why am I like this...
I think that about covers what I could possible have to say other than there is some great emulator support on the system and I'm looking forward to accumulating and playing more games on the system. As a person who only buys games for systems they have at the moment (which is for the best considering how bad my self control as of late), it opens a whole new world of possibilities for me.
Also, hey, do you know about Shimejis (not the mushrooms)? I started out with one Hong Lu (from Limbus Company) when I started writing 2 hours ago, and now I have like... 8 of them?! They're cute and keep my brain moving when my brain startz freezing up and spacing out. Anyways, can't wait to find a million typoes whenever I return to this blog... I want to add more pictures-- okay, okay, I'm going to bed now. Bye.